Who We Are
Hello and welcome to Cforyourself. My name is Rusty Hoge. I produce this site out of my passionate desire to inform as many people as possible about the nature of our body’s need for the proper nutrients in adequate amounts. Specifically, the power of Vitamin C and the requirement for its daily, dietary supplementation.
In 1991, I first became aware of Dr. Linus Pauling’s outstanding book How to Live Longer and Feel Better. I was captivated by the these facts :
- Vitamin C is extremely important for our general health and to fightdisease
- Most all of us get much less than we need for optimum health and
- No one seems to know.
Please see the Editorial page for a discussion of nutrition and the medical profession.
Using the power of the Internet, we hope to spread this vital information so that more people will have the knowledge to help themselves nutritionally so that we all may live longer and healthier lives.
I am not a doctor. While it is a tragedy that most doctors know so very little about nutrition, they are in the business of treating our maladies and they do take a certain responsibility for that. You can’t sue me for malpractice.
In no way should you disregard your doctor’s advice and recommendations. I am NOT advising anyone to stop taking medications or abandon any conventional therapies.
Our mission is to help you have the greatest amount of knowledge possible so that you can make the best decisions for yourself.
I would be most happy to talk or write with you, so please e-mail me (click on the icon below). We would like to share your Vitamin C experiences with our other visitors if you are willing.

Our Mission
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Our Mission
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Our Mission
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